Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23

today's reading: Mark 6: 30-56


Jesus' ministry and that of his disciples is really taking off in these passages.
The disciples have just returned from their first missionary journey, spilling over with the testimonies of all they had done and taught. Their hearts must have been bursting to share with their teacher, the stories of healing and deliverance!
Can you just see them, grinning from ear to ear, all talking at once, their voices animated and joyfilled,  as they shared their experiences with one another?

The Lord tried to find a quiet place to rest and listen to all that had taken place, but their fame had spread rapidly to all in the region; so that wherever Jesus and the disciples went, people came in droves bringing their sick relatives and friends for that precious healing touch.

As believers today in 2013, we must do all we can to bring our relatives and friends to Christ. People all around us, droves of them,  still need that precious healing touch!

With everything we do, let's be on a mission to spread Jesus's fame to everyone!


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