Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22

today's reading: Mark 6:1-29

Miracle Stopper

The Lord Jesus Christ, in his home town, was blocked from doing all the miracles that He wanted to do for them, because of their unbelief!

This says to me that UNBELIEF is a very powerful thing; powerful enough to refuse the miracle producing power of Christ Jesus!

Don't entertain unbelief in any form.
Use the weapons of the word of God and of prayer, when unbelief steps out of the shadows to attack you.

Speak scripture OUT LOUD to any unbelief that comes your way.
Pray asking God to help you in your unbelief, just like the centurion in another part of scripture did when he asked for healing for his family member.

Praise God for who He is to you. Praise is very powerful to ignite faith into action and is able to dispel doubt!

We don't ever want to allow unbelief to block the mighty works of the Lord Jesus Christ,  that He has planned for us!


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