Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2

today's reading: Mark 10:32-52

Can you place yourself in the shoes of those who walked that road with Jesus on the way to Jerusalem?

The disciples were astonished.

Those who followed them were afraid.

As Jesus began to reveal to the disciples what was about to happen to him in Jerusalem, they were completely at a loss to understand his words.
They took his words literally, and in so doing, downplayed all that he was trying to tell them.

They could not understand this laying down of life and in three days taking it up again.  Even though he tells them the facts of his betrayal, condemnation and death, they seem to miss the gravity of it all.

James and John were worried about their place beside him in his glory.
( Remember, James and John were with him at the mountain of transfiguration! chapter 9:2) . They had just experienced a ring-side seat as Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with Jesus.

They had heard the voice of God confirming Jesus as His one and only Son.

Perhaps having been taken to that mountain of divine privilege, they were unable to contain their pride.

That same pride can consume us today, if we lose sight of the prize that we have in the Lord Jesus and His salvation. If we allow ourselves to think that WE are doing great think that WE have it all think that our walk with God makes us somehow above reproach.

The same lack of understanding can plague us, if we don't look into the Word with expectation of receiving clarity from the Holy Spirit. 

Let us never stop searching for the truth in His Word, the Bible.
Let us never stop laying down our SELF and taking him into our hearts.

We need not be afraid, because we can place our Trust in Him completely.

Oh, Lord, help us to live a surrendered life, seeking to always serve others in your name, and by your power, not our own.


Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

today's reading: Mark 10:13-31

Go with me today. Back 2000 years or so to a dusty little town in Judea.

As you walk with me near the Jordan River and away into the little village, we see a delightful sight!

There are children, and lots of them, gathered around, climbing on, making faces at...Jesus! Jesus' gentle story telling and easy laughter have captured the full attention of the little ones that surround Him.

Their parents stand just a little aside.
Hoping that their child might receive a special blessing from this Holy man,
doting moms and dads hold their breath, not wanting to miss the moment when He speaks to their little one.

The disciples have given up trying to get the children away from Jesus....He is enjoying their company so much.....and they too are now caught up in the joy of it all.

We see Jesus playing a game, using sign language to illustrate His must have been hilarious, because we hear the giggles of the children escalate to wild laughter...we see the disciples chuckling and poking one another and following the actions of the Teacher... they copy His demonstration... of.....

A CAMEL trying to get through the eye of a needle!!!!

I love thinking about scripture as though it were happening right now, in real time.

Try it for yourselves.... as you read... read outloud... but give yourself time to set the scene in your mind.. or perhaps you would like to write down your thoughts as you do this.

Either way, it is an enriching and exciting way to read the Bible.
These are not just stories of long ago people in far away places. They are REAL and most importantly, we know they are placed in scripture for US; to teach us His ways.

Enjoy your journey, today and everyday!


Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28

today's reading: Mark 9:30-10:12

End of the Line

Clamoring to be seen and heard, we speak out

speak up

shout out and over the top


We cry out... I HAVE THINGS TO SAY


Please need me.

Need to hear MY voice.

How proud we are of our selves.

Then comes ONE who says,

If you want to be the first, the greatest, the best...

You must become the servant of ALL.


The unpleasant ones of humanity?

The ones who rant and rave.........who don't understand ?

The ones who are crass and dirty?

The ones who sleep in the street?

The ones who have everything?

The ones who have nothing .....seemingly nothing.... to offer me?

So I must wait at the end of the line while all of these "others" push in ahead of me.

I must even give them my place?

Must I, Lord Jesus? Must I



Lord Jesus, please help me. Please help me.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27

today's reading: Mark 9:1-29

A Day in the Life
What must it have been like to be Peter or James or John on this day!

How could they wrap their minds around what was taking place on that mountain?
No television, movies, or video games to prepare them for what they were experiencing. ....

The thing that makes these three so very REAL in this account, is that they did what I would probably do in a similar situation..... stammer around trying to sound like I know what is happening... so I don't sound like a fool........but then sounding like a fool anyway....They were so frightened! (vs.6)

Have any of you "been there"?

These guys just couldn't get it right.

But there was so much to take in! And even though they had been with Jesus for quite awhile by this time, nothing had prepared them to see MOSES(long dead) and ELIJAH(also long dead)  talking with JESUS!

Then, the cloud and voice of God!

The truth is, the Lord Jesus was trying to prepare them for what was to come. The disciples would very soon need to be absolutely certain about Jesus identity as the Son of God.
They would need this information set in stone in their minds, so that they would be able to carry on the ministry with unflinching certainty in His Deity.

They were chosen and called out specifically for this purpose.

As you read this lesson today, I hope you will allow the Lord to impress on your heart that as His own disciple, He is preparing YOU for a specific purpose.

We know for sure that the days are numbered when the Lord "can be found". Our specific purpose as followers of Christ, is to love people with the Love of the Lord, and bring as many of them to Him as we can.

He has chosen YOU and called YOU.
Walk with Him expecting great and amazing things, each and every day! 


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

today's reading: Mark 8:11-38

New Math

Do you see that there is something supernatural about Jesus' multiplication system? 
His system allows five loaves of bread to feed more than five thousand people, and then to produce twelve baskets full of leftovers!

Verse 20 reminds us of yet another day when Jesus had been given only seven loaves of bread. With those few loaves He fed more than four thousand people, and there were seven baskets full of leftovers!

It sounds a little like the math problems that I wrestled with in my high school years!
No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get them to add up right!
For example, using those special Algebraic formulas, I could sometimes make 2 + 2 equal 9.99 to infinity!!!

Similarly( I'm stretching it a little here)  the math that Jesus uses in increasing those loaves of bread to feed thousands is "SUPERNATURAL MATH" ! 
The math that Jesus uses in increasing our offerings of self or possessions to serve many others, leaving enough to fill us up again.... that is also "SUPERNATURAL MATH".

We give our measly "little" to Jesus, and He blesses it to become something much bigger than ourselves....

In trusting Him to sustain us, we will have all the strength, vision, material possessions, courage, financial resources,  ... everything.....we need.

Amazing thought, isn't it!

Remain surrendered to the Lord.
Let Him have complete access to every part of your self and you will be filled

                           and refilled

                                     and filled again....

We give gain the only thing that matters............
Jesus gave everything give us the only thing that matters............


Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25

today's reading: Mark 7: 24- 8:10

With humility beyond my understanding, the SyroPhoenician woman gave a perfect response to the Lord Jesus who seemed to be saying, "I have not come to help one like you."

She was fully aware that, being Greek, she was not one of the "chosen" Israelites. But overcome with deep love  for her suffering child, she pressed into Jesus, pleading for deliverance for her little one.

She believed without a doubt that He could deliver the child from demon possession and would not let the opportunity pass by to seek His help.

The woman's faith was honored by the compassion that Jesus had for her and her child, and the child was made well!

Are you as willing to humble yourself before Him,seeking answers to your deepest needs?  

Can you be satisfied, believing that He is sufficient in all things?

Have faith and Believe Him. Trust His love for you and His desire minister to you.

In faith, you will receive lavish gifts of love, forgiveness, healing and restoration from His Holy Hands.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24

today's reading: Mark 7: 1-23

My True Identity

vs 13: Help me to see when I nullify God's Word by insisting on my own traditions.

Vs 20-23 God help me to acknowledge my own evil thoughts:
  • The sexual immorality that I entertain from what I watch on television.
  • The personal theft that seems so inconsequential.
  • The murder in my slanderous heart.
  • My greedy ways that desire just "one more".
  • The malice and disdain I have for others, mocking them in my heart.
  • The opportunities for deceit that I give in to.
  • The lust of my eyes that causes me to look........ and look again when something unwholesome passes in front of me.
  • My envy of others possessions, talents or gifts.
  • The arrogance I have toward others.
Oh, Lord, help me to recognize any sinful way that dwells within my heart or mind.
Help me to repent of these sins......for they are all wicked,  and separate me from the rich  relationship that I desire to have with You.