Friday, January 24, 2014

Marking Out A Path

Today’s Bible readings are Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, & Proverbs 4:20-27

Proverbs 4:25-27
25 Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. 26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. 27 Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.

Have you ever wondered how we can keep from losing our passion as we run our race? I have. It has really become a focus for me over the last couple of years. I have seen so many people stop running the way they once did. I have also, sadly enough, seen so many stop running all together. It has become a focus of my preaching to encourage people to finish the course.

What does that mean to you—“Finish the course.”? I have learned to appreciate the art of finishing things. I have never had a problem starting things. I can usually find the motivation or inspiration to start something. I have noticed that finishing is much more difficult to do. It requires a greater degree of discipline. That is something that is missing in many lives.

The bible speaks about the life of faith in comparison to a race.

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

Some of you reading this may just be starting your race, many have been running for a good time already. Those of you who have been running awhile know that there are times when it is tempting to stop running. It is also tempting to let up. We cannot afford to make either of these mistakes.

1 Corinthians 9:24

24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!

It is as though God is telling us to make sure that we are doing are VERY BEST! We must run with all of our heart, soul, mind, & strength. We have to make sure that we have an undivided heart. We do this be keeping our focus. It is like an athlete who is focused on being his very best. He is willing to do what others are not so he can do what other cannot.

I want to share with you some principals that will help you run the race that God has marked out for you. As we discipline ourselves in these areas we will ensure that we finish our race with honor.

1.      Look straight ahead.

There is a lot going on around us. The sidelines & grand stand can really distract an athlete. We must keep our focus where it needs to be. You know where God is calling you. You know the things that need to be done today in order for you to arrive there in the future. GET BUSY THEM!!!

It can be easy to get overwhelmed with what needs to happen 1 week from now, 1 month from now, 1 year from now, etc… What can you do right now where you are? I like to call this “the next right thing”. We don’t need to get so far ahead of ourselves that we neglect doing what needs done most right now.

Looking too far into the future can keep people from doing anything. If they think of all that needs to happen in order for their marriage to turn around it may be more than they can handle. It could also appear to be more than is possible. That is why, for me, I like to just look ahead & do what is before me.

2.      Put together a plan & do it.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. That doesn’t mean that you have to have a 32 point agenda to get somewhere. But it does mean that we have to have a mark that we are shot for. We must have determined goal that we are working to achieve.

As we begin to strategize in this way we will make progress. Right now, things may really be crazy in your finances, family, etc… but that can & will change as you determine to stay the course & move forward.

Our reading told us to mark out a straight path. I think this is very important. We don’t need to get complicated or make things difficult. Let’s make sure that we don’t spend a ton of time going back around the mountain. Progress is the goal. Forward motion is key.

3.      Practice integrity in your personal life.

It is the little fox that spoils the vine. There is nothing that will knock a person out of the race quicker than guilt. That is why we have to maintain a level of personal integrity that is impeccable. The enemy is always looking for something to bring a charge against us. We can’t make foolish decisions because this gives him ammunition.

That is why we must make sure to practice integrity in every area of our life. It must be in our business life, our dealings with others, sexual purity, etc…  If we purpose to be people of character & integrity we will close many doors that he would try to come in.

I want to remind you that we will miss the mark at times. If you do, repent quickly. Asking God for forgiveness will cleanse you from the feelings of unrighteousness. When you repent know that you are forgiven. His grace is greater than all our sin. Mae sure that guilt is the first weight that you throw off. Your race will be much easier to run without the weight of shame & guilt slowing you down.

God’s love for you is great. Let that love come & lift you. I declare that in Christ you are free from guilt. Live the life that Christ has paid for you to have with His precious blood. He will increase your power by imparting His. Determine to FINISH STRONG!

Pastor Richard Schlotter

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