Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Today’s Bible readings are 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17, Acts 25:1-27, Psalm 5:1-12, & Proverbs 18:19

Psalm 5:11-12
11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. 12 Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

I remember the day that God gave these verses as a promise for Him. I was in prison waiting to see the parole board for a potential release date. All the guys that I knew kept telling me that there was no way that I was going to get a release. With the nature of my crime & my history, they told me that I would do at least half of my time.

Even my counselor in prison kept telling me not to get my hopes us. The only problem was that I believed God was teaching me to live with my hopes high so that my faith could have something to work with. There was a great testing that I was going through. On the inside, The Holy Spirit kept telling me to put my hope in God. On the outside, everybody around me was telling me their experiences said to not get my hopes up. I had to choose which voice I was going to agree with. Thank God I chose to listen to the Holy Spirit.

I remember one day as I was reading a letter from Kenneth Copeland, he was teaching about the favor of God, I read those verse from Psalm 5 & God spoke to me immediately. I knew it was God because it gave life to me. Once I saw these words in the Bible it was all that I needed to stand in faith. And let me tell you, that is exactly what I did!

Everybody around me still kept telling me the same old stuff they had been telling me but it didn’t faze me. Each time I heard them speak their doubt & unbelief it made me chuckle inside because I knew that my God was going to show them all. I had a rhema word from Him that could not fail me.

I remember the day that I walked into the parole board meeting. There was a moment where fear tried to grab my heart but I spoke the Word that God gave me & PEACE saturated me. I walked into the meeting, sat across from the parole board, & put everything on God’s shoulders. It was Him who was going to have to work this out. It was Him who was going to have to remain faithful to His Word.

As they reviewed my file they asked me a few questions. I gave very short & direct answers. There was nothing outstanding with anything that I said that day. In less than 5 minutes, they closed my folder & said:  “Mr. Schlotter, we don’t know why we are going to do this, but we are going to grant you an intense parole. Everything in your file leads us to believe that you will be back, but for some reason we are going to give you a chance. Don’t mess it up.”

As soon as I heard those words I knew exactly why they were letting me go—THE FAVOR OF GOD!!! He had told me the day that He spoke to me that His favor would surround me like a shield. It did too! He protected me & favored me from every angle. It seemed to even baffle the parole board into doing what they normally wouldn’t do. That is what the favor of God can do for a person.

I want to encourage you today to be a person who walks in obedience to the Word of God so that you can walk in the favor of God. When you are surrounded by His favor there is nothing that will harm or destroy you. His favor will surround you & His benefits will overtake you.

Pastor Richard Schlotter


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