Wednesday, February 19, 2014

HIde It Under A Bushel--NO!

Today’s Bible readings are Leviticus 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Psalm 37:12-29, & Proverbs 10:5

Mark 4:21-23
21 Then Jesus asked them, “Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine. 22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. 23 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”

I have a word for you today—“It is time to let your light shine.” That’s right; it is time for you to shine. Have you ever wondered why God called you? Has there ever been a time when you asked yourself, “Why is God so good to me?” I know that these are thoughts that have come to mind later for me.

I often think about how my life use to be & how it is now. It was not that long ago, 13 years to be exact, that my life radically changed. I was addicted to drugs & my marriage & family was falling to pieces. I was in jail waiting to go to prison for drug charges when I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I look at where He has brought me today: a happily married father of 6, a 36 year old pastor of a thriving church, helping multitudes of people just like me, & filled with joy & peace indescribable.

I sometimes wonder, “Why is God so good to me?” I know that I don’t deserve it. I have never done anything that spectacular to earn it. Yet, I can see His favor & blessing all over my life. I believe that this passage has something to do with it.

Jesus said that our light is meant to be seen. I give all the glory to Him. He has done great things in my life. I get to reap such incredible blessings because of His GREAT LOVE. He causes me to burn for Him. It brings me great pleasure to let His light shine in & through me.

I can’t hide what He has done in my life.
1.      He saved me.
2.      He healed.
3.      He turned my life around.
4.      He delivered me from drugs.
5.      He gave me back my family & added to it.
6.      He gave a sound mind.
7.      He washed away years of failures & shame.
This makes me want to shout, “GLORY TO GOD”!!! I can’t keep it in. I have to tell people what God has done for me & what He wants to do for them. There is this old song that says:

It is no secret, what God can do
What He's done for others, He'll do for you
With arms wide open, He'll pardon you
It is no secret, what God can do

This is letting your light shine. It is not being afraid to tell others how your life turned around. It is telling others who turned your life around. But most importantly, it is letting others see by your actions that your life is TRULY turned around. Let them see the new life & not just lip service. This speaks volumes to others. They may not understand all the bible verses that you know but they can see the changes in you. That is letting your light shine.

Do you want to be a soul winner? I know that you do. Start letting your light shine. The fact of the matter is this—you were created for God glory. Nothing brings Him greater glory than to see you shine for Him. It brings Him honor.

Proverbs 10:5

A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.

You have a story to tell. You have a light that others need to see. Let today be the day that you choose to let your light shine. It isn’t difficult. Here are a couple things you can do before the day is over to let others see your light.

1.      Pray for somebody that you cross paths with today.

2.      Give a word of encouragement to someone who is down.

3.      Help somebody that is struggling.

There is plenty of opportunity to let your light shine. Be intentional about it. Be alert & take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. If you do, there is a good chance that revival will start in your life.


Pastor Richard Schlotter

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