Monday, April 14, 2014

Unanswered Cry

Today’s Bible readings are Joshua 9:3-10:43, Luke16:19-17:10, Psalm 83:1-18, & Proverbs 13:4

Luke 16:27-31
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

We sometimes fail to realize the importance of evangelism. We can grow very slothful when it comes to sharing the gospel with people. For whatever reason, we just don’t seem to take the charge that Jesus gave us very serious at time. But I want you to know, there is a place where it really matters.

We see a picture here of man who found himself in the place or torment. He was not a bad man. The story tells us that He was a wealthy man. It doesn’t mention that he cheated for his wealth. It lets us know that he was generous on occasions because there was a beggar at his gate. He takes the scene & appears to be a good man, but he didn’t know Jesus.

We must remember that the only thing that saves us is a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not about any of these things:

        It doesn’t matter how good you were.

        It doesn’t matter how much money you had.

        It doesn’t matter how much stuff you had.

        It doesn’t matter how important you were.

        It doesn’t matter what church you went to.

        It doesn’t matter what your title was.

We must call on the name of the Lord Jesus.

This man may not have been that concerned in his lifetime to know Jesus of have a relationship with God. But that day came when it mattered. He soon saw the great mistake he had made. Everything changed in that moment. He started to remember:

        All of the times spent in the house of God.

        All of the times the Spirit tugged at the heart with conviction.

        All of the times that he prayed and someone prayed with him.

        All of the times that he shrugged off the call of commitment.

        All of the times that he sat uninvolved and preoccupied during the moments of worship.

        All of the times that he laughed it off.

        All of the times that he watched others find spiritual relief and blessing.

        All of the sermons that he ever heard.

        All of the Sunday School lessons that he heard.

        All of the excuses he used about why you could not serve God.

Then, the most amazing thing occurred, he became an evangelist. He was greatly concerned for families salvation. He became greatly burdened by where they would spend eternity. The only problem was that it was too late.

I have made this statement before, but it is worth repeating: 
“Hell is often more missions-minded than we are.”

Let’s not follow in this man’s footsteps. Let’s not wait until the flames of hell bring us to a place of concern for where others will spend eternity. Let’s listen to the call of the Spirit RIGHT NOW & carry the torch. He is calling us to soul winners. It is time to hear what the Spirit is saying.

I pray that each of us will take a new look at where we stand with Christ. Renew your commitment to him & your commitment to fulfill the Great Commission. This is the ONLY thing that will really matter in the end.

I pray for a new breath of wind to fill your lungs so you can run this race to the finish in Jesus name!!!

Pastor Richard Schlotter

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