Tuesday, April 15, 2014

One Day At A Time

Today’s Bible readings are Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalm 84:1-12, & Proverbs 13:5-6

Joshua 11:23
23 So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war.

Has there ever been a task so large that the Lord gave you that it seemed like it would never be completed? Was there ever a time in your life that so much needed to be done in order for you to experience what God was promising you that it didn’t seem like it would ever occur? That was the case for Joshua & the people of Israel.

They came to the Jordan River one day being told that they would fill the land before them. It all sounded great. The only problem was that there were already people living in that land that would not just give up their home. Some of these people were known to be fierce & vicious people. Others had great & powerful armies. Still others were protected by fortified cities.

40 years prior to this date, as the land was spied out, the heart of the people melted because they didn’t think they could complete the task. They saw the huge task & the great hurdles before then & said it was not possible. They lost all faith of seeing it ever happen. That bunch of people all died in the wilderness NEVER receiving what God desired to give them.

What a tragedy for that generation. Because they couldn’t see it happening they never tried to do what God was asking them to do. They paid no mind to the fact that God was going to enable them to do the impossible. They disregarded the promise that He made when He said He would go before them & make a way where there seemed to be no way.

When we read about the generation of Joshua, we don’t see a more experienced people. They don’t appear to be a more battle skilled people. They must have had less experience because they were all younger, but they all had the thing that matters most to God—FAITH IN HIS PROMISE.

God doesn’t need super gifted people. God does not need perfect people. God takes those who are humble enough to believe Him at His Word & He makes them mighty. God takes the ordinary & makes them extraordinary through His Spirit.

Many times in life, when we will look at the road before us, it may seem impossible for things to be what we know God wants them to be. Take for instance your marriage; right now things may be very rocky. There may be a lot of hurt feeling & deep offenses. It may stretch beyond you & even into relationship with your in-laws. It can look like there is no way that God can heal all the hurts that have occurred. It may look like so many things have to change that it is impossible.
That was the case for me.  When I got saved my marriage was falling apart. It went much deeper than just my wife & I having issues. There was such relationship damage that stretched throughout our families that it didn’t look like things could ever be the way that they were meant to be. I looked at all that needed to change & I simply didn’t know if it could ever change. It looked like it would take far beyond a lifetime to fix what had been broken.

There were days when it seemed like the easiest thing to do would be just walk away & quit. Something inside told me not to give up. I have come to know that something as hope. I stood my ground in faith. I knew it was impossible for me to fix but I had faith that God could do anything. I surrendered to Him.

It didn’t all happen overnight, but things began to change. It was just like in the book of Joshua. We found victory over one area then moved on to the next. Before long, we had victory over many things that once held us down. Over the course of time, we saw the Lord restore to us EVERYTHING that He had promised to us. Praise & honor belong to Him forever more!

I wanted to share this with you because I know that there are some things that you are faced with right now that you are wondering if they can ever change. There are so many things that need to happen in order for you to have what you believing for. My word to you is be patient & trust God.

Don’t get overwhelmed by everything. God doesn’t expect you to deal with it all right now. Just deal with what is in front of you. Fight the fight that is before you & don’t worry about the things that are out at a distance. God is with you & He will give you victory. Things will change. It will not be that long before you look back & see that God has given you everything that He promised. It comes one battle at a time; one day at a time.

Pastor Richard Schlotter

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