February 27
today's reading: Mark 9:1-29
A Day in the Life
What must it have been like to be Peter or James or John on this day!
How could they wrap their minds around what was taking place on that mountain?
No television, movies, or video games to prepare them for what they were experiencing. ....
The thing that makes these three so very REAL in this account, is that they did what I would probably do in a similar situation..... stammer around trying to sound like I know what is happening... so I don't sound like a fool........but then sounding like a fool anyway....They were so frightened! (vs.6)
Have any of you "been there"?
These guys just couldn't get it right.
But there was so much to take in! And even though they had been with Jesus for quite awhile by this time, nothing had prepared them to see MOSES(long dead) and ELIJAH(also long dead) talking with JESUS!
Then, the cloud and voice of God!
The truth is, the Lord Jesus was trying to prepare them for what was to come. The disciples would very soon need to be absolutely certain about Jesus identity as the Son of God.
They would need this information set in stone in their minds, so that they would be able to carry on the ministry with unflinching certainty in His Deity.
They were chosen and called out specifically for this purpose.
As you read this lesson today, I hope you will allow the Lord to impress on your heart that as His own disciple, He is preparing YOU for a specific purpose.
We know for sure that the days are numbered when the Lord "can be found". Our specific purpose as followers of Christ, is to love people with the Love of the Lord, and bring as many of them to Him as we can.
He has chosen YOU and called YOU.
Walk with Him expecting great and amazing things, each and every day!
today's reading: Mark 9:1-29
A Day in the Life
What must it have been like to be Peter or James or John on this day!
How could they wrap their minds around what was taking place on that mountain?
No television, movies, or video games to prepare them for what they were experiencing. ....
The thing that makes these three so very REAL in this account, is that they did what I would probably do in a similar situation..... stammer around trying to sound like I know what is happening... so I don't sound like a fool........but then sounding like a fool anyway....They were so frightened! (vs.6)
Have any of you "been there"?
These guys just couldn't get it right.
But there was so much to take in! And even though they had been with Jesus for quite awhile by this time, nothing had prepared them to see MOSES(long dead) and ELIJAH(also long dead) talking with JESUS!
Then, the cloud and voice of God!
The truth is, the Lord Jesus was trying to prepare them for what was to come. The disciples would very soon need to be absolutely certain about Jesus identity as the Son of God.
They would need this information set in stone in their minds, so that they would be able to carry on the ministry with unflinching certainty in His Deity.
They were chosen and called out specifically for this purpose.
As you read this lesson today, I hope you will allow the Lord to impress on your heart that as His own disciple, He is preparing YOU for a specific purpose.
We know for sure that the days are numbered when the Lord "can be found". Our specific purpose as followers of Christ, is to love people with the Love of the Lord, and bring as many of them to Him as we can.
He has chosen YOU and called YOU.
Walk with Him expecting great and amazing things, each and every day!
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