Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

today's reading: Mark 8:11-38

New Math

Do you see that there is something supernatural about Jesus' multiplication system? 
His system allows five loaves of bread to feed more than five thousand people, and then to produce twelve baskets full of leftovers!

Verse 20 reminds us of yet another day when Jesus had been given only seven loaves of bread. With those few loaves He fed more than four thousand people, and there were seven baskets full of leftovers!

It sounds a little like the math problems that I wrestled with in my high school years!
No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get them to add up right!
For example, using those special Algebraic formulas, I could sometimes make 2 + 2 equal 9.99 to infinity!!!

Similarly( I'm stretching it a little here)  the math that Jesus uses in increasing those loaves of bread to feed thousands is "SUPERNATURAL MATH" ! 
The math that Jesus uses in increasing our offerings of self or possessions to serve many others, leaving enough to fill us up again.... that is also "SUPERNATURAL MATH".

We give our measly "little" to Jesus, and He blesses it to become something much bigger than ourselves....

In trusting Him to sustain us, we will have all the strength, vision, material possessions, courage, financial resources,  ... everything.....we need.

Amazing thought, isn't it!

Remain surrendered to the Lord.
Let Him have complete access to every part of your self and you will be filled

                           and refilled

                                     and filled again....

We give everything..............to gain the only thing that matters............
Jesus gave everything .............to give us the only thing that matters............


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