Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9
Well, my friends, we have been at this for a little over a week now. How are you doing? Are you looking forward to your time with the Lord in His Word every day? Do you feel that power beginning to delight you? 
The Lord promises us in His Word, that He will bless His Word as we take it in. So stay with it! The reward will be sweet.

Today's reading: Matthew chapter 7 verses 15 through 29
vs 23:  "Then will I tell them plainly, I never knew you.
It seems that He is saying, "you did not give me the chance to have a close personal, intimate relationship with you, because you did not desire it.  You did not grow in faith, you did not prefer MY(God's) viewpoint over your own."
These words would be terrifying to hear!

If we would ever hear those words from the mouth of God, 
it would be too late! 

      Too late to live a life preferring God's Word over socially acceptable,     self-centered teaching. 

     Too late to live a life preferring to live for God's glory rather than seeking a comfortable, possibly influential lifestyle.

vs 24:  Hear these words and put them into practice. 
It is God Himself who makes a life of obedience available to you. 
Following Jesus Christ requires a lifestyle of obedience. 
The more you will put God's Word into practice in your life, the more your life will become a work of obedience to Him. 
Not a lifestyle of drudgery, or being pounded into submission....but rather a sweet desire to please the Father. A sweet desire to live in the safety of His watchful care. He guides our steps and orders our days for our own protection and good. (Romans 8:28) He causes ALL things to work together for good for those who Love Him and who are called for His purpose. 
That is YOU!  


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