January 10
This is a grand day for me personally! One year since my first chemo treatment. And thank the Lord I am healed and that is all history now.
Traveling through this year of cancer recovery has been a real faith journey.
I got the chance to answer the ultimate question: Will I believe God for all He says He will do for me?
That is the same question that we encounter everyday of our lives no matter how simple or difficult our circumstance might be.
Will I believe God for all He says He will do for me?
Will I believe that He desires to heal me?
Will I believe that He truly loves me?
Will I believe that He died to take the punishment for my sins?
today's reading: Matthew chapter 8 verses 1 through 17
vs 17: "He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases."
Lord, you say you are willing to heal me!
Help me to be willing to go to you to ask for my healing.
And then, help me to believe that You have answered my prayer, and to believe that I am healed!
This scripture invites us to think about the healing ministry of Jesus.
He was most willing to heal all those who came before him.
Some had great faith, like the Centurion in today's reading.
He really understood the power of those in authority to command that things be done.
Do you understand the power of the One and Only Son of God,who has authority over all things concerning you?
Pray today that the Lord will help you to overcome any unbelief, and that when you are up against a circumstance that requires an answer to that ultimate question, you will be able to reply, "Yes, Lord, I believe YOU!"
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