January 14
today's reading: Matthew chapter 10 verses 1-25
UN-usual Suspects:
Do you know these men?
Simon the zealot
These are the original twelve apostles of Jesus!
These guys were ordinary men...... made extraordinary by Him!
They were the first people to have unlimited access to Him as He began His ministry on the earth.
They had the privilege of walking with Him every day.
They were the first to witness Jesus' miracles of deliverance and healing.
So, just who were these men? Where did they come from and why were they chosen to hang out with the Messiah over and above all others in their region? Were they brilliant scholars from the local university?
Had they graduated from bible college or even taken a class in theology?
Did they have special privileges in the synagogue because they were the best tithers or worship leaders? Did they come to the ministry because they had a truckload of spiritual gifts?
The answer to all of the above is NO.
There were several fishermen, a money manager, several with trust issues, and a dreaded tax collector in the group. One of them would even end up selling Jesus out, handing him over to be crucified.
We don't know about their education, but fishermen probably didn't attend many theological classes.
These were not the kind of people that you would expect the Lord of Heaven to choose to be the founders of the church.
They were an unusual group.
These un-usual suspects were given the first call to Christian mission! "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."vs:8
Today He calls you and me to the same mission.
He equips us for every good work by the power of His Word (the scriptures).
2 Timothy 3:17
He will equip YOU. Do you wonder how?
He will equip YOU to do His will the same way that He equipped those 12 very special men, the Apostles; by the power of His Word!
He spoke to them, calling them to Himself.
He GAVE THEM AUTHORITY to do His work among men and women of the day.
If you commit your life to following Jesus, His Word holds that same power for you today!
He gives YOU AUTHORITY to do His work among men and women.
As you step out to serve the Lord, don't stress over every word you "should say", because the Spirit of the Father will speak through you.
Don't hold back from speaking a word of testimony or witnessing because you don't feel you are a gifted speaker. Just let the Lord use you and your life experience to encourage and teach others. He will give you the right words to say.
As you spend time in His Word, He will teach you, give you wisdom and will strengthen you to stand firm in your faith to the very end... to your last breath!
Take hold of that authority given to you by the Lord and step out to do His will!
Let's get busy for the Lord!
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