January 13
today's reading: Matthew Chapter 9 verses 18-38
verse 36 of Chapter 9, book of Matthew says:
"When He saw the throngs, He was moved with pity and sympathy for them. because they were bewildered, harassed, distressed, dejected and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."
Jesus could see the needs of each person he came in contact with. He knew exactly what they were experiencing, not only in their physical body, but also He could see their spiritual poverty, their stress, their weaknesses, their confusion. He did not leave them in their condition. He helped each one in the area they most needed Him.
Do you have need for physical healing?
Are you ever overcome with a sense of helplessness?
Do you feel lost?
Are you stressed out? Maxed out? Tired out? Overworked? Underloved?
He sees you in your need, and He is filled with compassion for you.
His desire is to help YOU, with the same power He had when He "went through all the towns and villages, teaching..preaching...healing every disease and sickness"vs:35
You know, Jesus is the same today as He was all those years ago!
He is the same Jesus for you that He was for the demon possessed mute. He is the same Jesus for you that He was for the ruler whose daughter had died.
He is the same Jesus for you that He was for the woman who had suffered the severe medical condition for 12 long years.
What He did for those people so long ago, He is able to do for YOU TODAY!
Say outloud .......with conviction.....until it becomes REAL to you..."He is the same Jesus!"
vs: 37-38 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.
Is there a field in your life that could use some extra work?
Maybe a "field" in your family, where you have been working and working, but haven't been able to see much progress?
How about your workplace or your community? We can spend hours in those "fields" trying to accomplish something good for the Lord, but feeling like our efforts are going nowhere.
There are many untended "fields" in our country... or even other faraway countries, where people need to hear about the Lord. They need to hear, but quite often the gospel message is banned and unwelcome.
Let's pray purposefully for more worker's to be sent out into our communities, both near and far.
Pray that more believers will come alongside to help us pray for and minister to our friends, family members and co-workers.
Believe today that Jesus Christ who walked in compassion on the earth, healing every sickness and disease, is the same Jesus Christ who is ready to come into your life and do some "fieldwork".
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