Monday, August 25, 2014


Today’s Bible readings are Job 16:1-19:29, 1 Corinthians 16:1-24, Psalm 40:1-10, & Proverbs 22:1

Psalm 40:5
O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.

What is going on in your life right now? Are things tough? Are things difficult? Have you been struggling for months now? If this sounds like you, I want to encourage you today to rethink things. In the midst of your struggle there are still many things to praise the Lord about.

1.      God can deliver you from any of your problems.

I know that this may sound crazy but it is an encouraging thing to know that no matter how bad things get, we have an advocate who can set us free from every danger.
1)      If you are sick, He heals.
2)      If you are depressed, He gives joy for sorrow.
3)      If you are in need, He can supply.
4)      If your relationships are failing, He can restore.

This gives us hope no matter what we face because since God can deliver we can find relief. All we have to do is turn to Him. He is willing & able deliver us from all of our struggles.

                              2. God will help anyone who turns to Him.

This is great news because no matter how far you have fallen it is never too far for God to reach out & save you. He is not interested in your past record, only the current condition of your heart. Maybe you have failed many times, that doesn’t mean God won’t help you. Maybe you have made promises before that you have broken; that isn’t going to keep God from helping you if you are sincere now. He will save ANY & ALL who call on His name.

                              3. God is always available.

No matter where you are, no matter what time of day, GOD IS ABLE TO COME THROUGH FOR YOU! Don’t wait another minute cry out to Jesus. There is no need to suffer any longer Jesus will take you now. You have hurt long enough. It is time for your hurt to collide with the Great Healer. When the hurt & the Healer collide a testimony is birthed.

Pastor Richard Schlotter

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