Monday, March 3, 2014

Untie The Colt

Today’s Bible readings are Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Psalm 46:1-11, & Proverbs 10:23

Mark 11:1-3
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’”

This was the pinnacle of Jesus public ministry. As He rode into this town people began to proclaim, “Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest.” As He was preparing to enter this town He told 2 of His disciples to go into town & bring Him a donkey that they would find tied to a tree. He had a plan for the donkey. He was going to use it to ride into town signifying victory. Like a king returning from battle doing a victory lap, Jesus was going to ride into town to show His victory to fulfill what the prophet spoke of Messiah:

Zechariah 9:9

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Here came their King. They rejoiced loudly & boldly as He approached them. I pray that this will be the attitude of our hearts as we gather in our churches to worship the King of kings & Lord of lords. I long for the day when we express our gratitude & love in this type of way.

What really caught my eye today was what Jesus told the disciples to do for Him prior to His arrival. He was planning to enter the city, so He sent 2 disciples in to “UNTIE” a colt that HE had a plan for. Jesus told them if anyone asks to simply tell them that it was needed for the Master’s service.

Praise God!!! This is our job description. We are to go out setting people free in Jesus name. We see that the nature of Jesus is to UNTIE & FREE people.

1.      Alcoholics

2.      Drug addicts

3.      People with depression

4.      People with mental illness

5.      People caught in sin

6.      People shackled by shame

7.      People burdened by sickness

8.      People who have lost hope

9.      People trapped in darkness

10.   People enslaved by satan

Jesus has sent us, His disciples, on a mission to “UNTIE” them. He has equipped us to do the job.

1.      He has given us His name—which is the Name above all names.

2.      He has filled us with His Spirit—which gives us GREAT POWER.

3.      He has given us His Word—which will not return to Him void, it will prosper in what it was sent to prosper in.

4.      He has given us a testimony—which stirs faith in other people to receive for themselves.

5.      He has given us His armor—which enables us to stand our ground.

We are destined for success if we will just go. I want to share with you the reason why it is so important that we follow through with our mission. It is vital that we are serious about following through with the call that Christ has given us. First of all, if we don’t go who will?

Secondly, Jesus has a plan for their life. He told the disciples:
If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’”

He had a plan for the donkey. He has a plan for people too. He wants to use them for His glory. He wants to use them to do another victory lap in the communities that they are from. Jesus wants to fill their lives & display that He is STILL the VICTORIOUS SAVIOR.  To Him be glory now & forever more!!!

I believe that the same thing can happen today that happened that day. As Jesus rode into town on the donkey the people saw His victory lap. They knew what this meant. They began to praise God. Revival was starting.

As others see Jesus doing a work in the lives of those that are bound, they will not be able to deny that Jesus is STILL THE CONQUERING SAVIOR. People can debate & argue about many things when it comes to Christianity, but they cannot deny the power of a transformed life. We, His disciples, have a mission. Our mission is to go out and get people free in Jesus name son He can then use them for His glory. This will bring Him that greatest praise. Let’s aim to do it!!!

Pastor Richard Schlotter

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