Today’s Bible readings are Exodus 19:16-21:21, Matthew 23:13-39, Psalm 28:1-9, & Proverbs, 7:1-5
Psalm 28:1
1 I pray to you, O Lord,
my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you are silent, I might as well
give up and die.
Have you ever had a time in your life
where you didn’t know what to do or where to turn? Has there ever been a
problem so great that you didn’t know where to begin to solve it? Have you ever
been so burdened that you felt like you were dying inside?
I know that these are familiar feelings
to most of us. They are also familiar feelings to people like King David. David
was a man who knew what it was to be under personal attack from the enemy. He
had a life that was plagued with trials, yet the Lord delivered him from them
David was laughed at by his brothers
when he stepped out to slay Goliath. David was out casted by a king that he
served loyally. He was then hunted like an animal. He was chased from place to
place running for his life. He never did anything wrong to deserve this kind of
treatment. He was faithful & operated in integrity & seemed to suffer
for it. He had chances to kill his enemy but chose to honor God by honor the
king instead. Yet evil was what he was repaid with.
This sounds like the story of many
people’s lives. It seems like things happen that just aren’t fair. The waves
can come crashing down at the worst times in life. But I love that David knew
what mattered most—he was not alone in his hardship. He had a Champion on his
side. The Almighty God was in His corner. The Lord was his ROCK!!!
David discovered what I want each of
you to discover; as long as we can turn to God we have nothing to fear.
David cried out in desperation for God to
answer his cry. He made it clear that without God’s help he had no help to turn
to. This sounds like a sad state to find yourself in but I believe this is a
GREAT place to be.
When we come to the end of our rope we
then are able to experience the mighty hand of God lift us up. David
experienced the power & presence of God in way that most people never come
to know. WHY??? I say it is because in his time of need he cried out to God. As
a result, God heard his cry & saved him.
Who do you cry out to in your time of
need? Who’s name do you call on when the going is tough? Who do you call when
you don’t know what to do? Many turn to friends. Millions turn to Facebook.
Some turn to their church family. I think it is time to turn to God.
I want to challenge you today to take
the 3 biggest concerns in your life right now & give them to Jesus. Trust
Him to work them out. Lay it down for Him to fix. This may mean a family
situation. This may also mean a financial need. It could also be a health
issue. Regardless of the details, He is able to do all things well. The
question is—WILL YOU LET HIM???
1 comment:
Thank you for reminding me where my help comes from. My help comes from the Lord.
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