Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Teaching Our Family To Follow God

Today's Bible readings are Genesis 18:16-19:38, Matthew 6:25-7:14, Psalms 8:1-9, & Proverbs 2:6-15

I love how God's Word reveals to us the things that are important to Him. I have said before that the best way to know God's will is to know God's Word. His Word is His will revealed. 

In today's readings we see a verse that reveals to us God's will for parents.

Genesis 18:19

19 I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.”

God desires for us to raise our families to know Him & follow His ways. In our culture their are many who say that we are evolving & that some things, like traditional marriage, sexual purity, modesty, & conservative christian values are "old fashion". I like to say in response to this that they are not old fashion they are "GOD-fashioned". It is the way He has set forth in His Word.

There are many things that we are up against today when it comes to raising our children. The pressure of people around us, media, & agenda's of special interest groups that have infiltrated our education system are just to name a few. These things make it difficult to impart the values that this next generation is lacking BUT I'm encouraged when I read today's reading.

During the day of Abraham there was great wickedness as well. Sodom & Gomorrah were very wicked cities that practiced many of the perverse ways that are openly practiced today. Homosexuality, sexual looseness, & things of the like were very common & socially accepted in their culture.

I want to say first off that these behaviors WERE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO GOD! That is why He destroyed the city. God never changes. That means that regardless of popular opinion, these behaviors are not acceptable to God today either!

Yet, we see that God fully expected Abraham to raise his family to know the ways of the Lord. AND ABRAHAM DID!  He was successful at it in a time when the culture was perverted in many of the same ways that our culture is today. That gives me great hope. If Abraham did it in his day then we can do it in ours.
Let's look at some things that we can start doing today to help teach our families that ways of the Lord.

1. Find a Spirit-filled church & take your family there EVERY week--even during the summer.

Don't be one of those guys that send your kids to church. TAKE THEM! Let them see the excitement in your eyes as they witness you worship God. Let them see you with your arms raised praise the God of the universe. Don't just expect them to learn something that doesn't appear to be important to you.

Some dads spend more time trying to teach their kids how to hit a baseball than they do trying to teach their kids to know & love God. Don't make that mistake. It is great that their are people to help in this process but nobody can teach your kids as well as YOU can teach your kids. Believe that!

2. Pray with your kids.

I'm not talking about the "now I lay me down to sleep" stuff. When a kid is having a struggle, direct them to God. They will never forget the time they were having pressures come & you told them, "Let's pray."

When people are sick, pray with your kids for them. Let them see you turning God for help in times of need. Just as important is to let them see you celebrate each victory that God gives. Don't hold back in giving God glory.

3. Make them read the bible.

It is not a matter of choice. You make your kids go to school. You make them make their bed. You make them pick up their dirty clothes. Reading the bible is far more important than any of those. It will also do more for them in their lives than any of these needed skills, as well. They may not like you for it at the time, but understand that they don't need you to be their friend. They need you be their parent.

4. Use regular, daily situations to teach God's values.

When you see someone in need let your kids witness you helping the individual. Explain to them why. Have them work with you. Never underestimate the power of a teachable moment.

Our kids are watching us. They will model what they see in us. Even during the seasons of rebellion you must remember that you are sowing seed that WILL PRODUCE a harvest. Never give up.

It was through the life of faithful Abraham that a lineage was persevered for the coming Messiah. Messiah will come again & there needs to be individuals to hold the standard & teach others to know the ways of the Lord until that great day arrives. You have His Word & His Spirit to empower & enable you for the task. Rise to the charge & be the salt of the earth!

Pastor Richard


Anonymous said...

Notice Abraham's boldness in interceding for the few righteous.

Tami Hager said...

This was an eye opener and I look forward to reaching out beyond my bubble and having my children do the same!!!! Good word for the day!!! Thank you