Today's Bible readings are Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, & Proverbs 3:33-35
We talked yesterday about dreaming God-sized dreams. It is ironic that in today's readings we see what happens when we do. I find it interesting that in both, the New Testament & the Old Testament, we see people with God's heart who are opposed by others.
In the life of Joseph, we see that his brothers where the first to turn on him for the God Dream that he had. In the life of Jesus we see something very similar.
Matthew 12:46-47
46 As Jesus was speaking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. 47 Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are outside, and they want to speak to you.”
Have you ever wondered what t was that they wanted to talk to Him about that day? I have. It really only begins to make sense if we look at what it was He was saying & doing before they came to visit.
Jesus was preaching & teaching everywhere that He went. He was not preaching this political correct gospel that is heard much of today. He was denouncing sin; not just in the live of the worldly either. He was in the face of the religious leaders of the day. He was calling them out on their plastic, phony religion. It was what He was sent to do. He was to cause the blind to see & also to cause those who think they could see to become blind.
They did not like the things that He was saying. They became angry. They had such control in this generation. Jesus' family probably came to try to talk some sense into Him. They were maybe going to tell Jesus to tone it down a little before He got in trouble.
It is strange to me, but I do notice, that often the greatest hindrance to God's plan for our lives are those closest to us. I think this is for many reasons. I have noticed that we really care what they think. What they say really matters. Somethings we let it matter to much.
The enemy will do whatever he can to kill your dream. He will use the people closest to you, if they let him, or he can get us into offense by something they say or do, either way his objective is to steal, kill, & destroy. We have to take our stand against him.
I have learned that we must guard our dream that God has placed in us. There is plenty of things that will come to deter us from what God wants to so in us & through us. We can't afford to get distracted. To many people have gone to the grave with a dream that God gave them that they never pursued. That is the greatest tragedy of all.
I remember when I was in prison. I was believing God for a release. People closest to me thought they were doing me a favor by telling me not to get my hopes up. They were killing what was happening inside of me without even knowing it. I know they were doing what they thought was best. They didn't want to see me get let down. But the problem was, they never saw who was holding me up!
I had to choose who I was going to listen to. I look back & I'm so glad that I choose God. I don't know what life would be like today if I would have let go of that first dream. Things could be a lot different.
I see it to many times. I say that enough is enough. Here are some things that you can do to make sure that you never have another God-dream die in your life again.
1. Once you know that God has spoke to you--REFUSE TO BE MOVED BY ANYTHING OR ANYONE.
I'm not suggesting that you be rude, but I am saying that you need to be stubborn. That's right, stubborn. Don't let anybody talk you out of what God has spoke. It can happen subtle. So we have to be very keen not to digress in that direction. If you give the devil an inch he will truly become you ruler.
2. Build your faith.
You are going to need to make sure that your faith is strong. Things are going to come to test you. Be strong in advance. Don't wait for things to get tough before you start digging into His Word & prayer. Do this in advance knowing that the day will come when you will need to be prayed up & ready. This is what Peter meant.
1 Peter 5:8
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
3. Live life as though it has already occurred.
This is the part that takes great courage. People may laugh. People may talk. Remember, they did the same things to Jesus. But we have to operate in faith. Be who God has called you to be. Live out the life that HE has spoke into your heart. This is the key to satisfaction. This is the reason we need to be free. You are free. Now be free to be who you are in Christ.
Pastor Richard
As I was reading today's readings, I really didn't question what Jesus' mother and brothers were going to talk to him about. I wondered why Jesus didn't go out to talk with them. Maybe he did, and that is further in the bible. Or maybe I missed something??
"You are going to need to make sure that your faith is strong. Things are going to come to test you. Be strong in advance. Don't wait for things to get tough before you start digging into His Word & prayer."
I'm going to write this on a piece of paper and put it on my door, so that when I walk out each morning, I can be reminded!
Once you know that God has spoke to you--REFUSE TO BE MOVED BY ANYTHING OR ANYONE. That is Good
Commit each day to Jesus, let him lead your thoughts. It is true you never know how or what the test might be.
Things do not always "look like" we think they were supposed to when we are following something God has given us to do. And it seems that the enemy will make sure of it. But we cant fall for it. Pastor Richard, great reminder to us to stay on task with the Lord!
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