Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

today's reading: Mark 10:13-31

Go with me today. Back 2000 years or so to a dusty little town in Judea.

As you walk with me near the Jordan River and away into the little village, we see a delightful sight!

There are children, and lots of them, gathered around, climbing on, making faces at...Jesus! Jesus' gentle story telling and easy laughter have captured the full attention of the little ones that surround Him.

Their parents stand just a little aside.
Hoping that their child might receive a special blessing from this Holy man,
doting moms and dads hold their breath, not wanting to miss the moment when He speaks to their little one.

The disciples have given up trying to get the children away from Jesus....He is enjoying their company so much.....and they too are now caught up in the joy of it all.

We see Jesus playing a game, using sign language to illustrate His must have been hilarious, because we hear the giggles of the children escalate to wild laughter...we see the disciples chuckling and poking one another and following the actions of the Teacher... they copy His demonstration... of.....

A CAMEL trying to get through the eye of a needle!!!!

I love thinking about scripture as though it were happening right now, in real time.

Try it for yourselves.... as you read... read outloud... but give yourself time to set the scene in your mind.. or perhaps you would like to write down your thoughts as you do this.

Either way, it is an enriching and exciting way to read the Bible.
These are not just stories of long ago people in far away places. They are REAL and most importantly, we know they are placed in scripture for US; to teach us His ways.

Enjoy your journey, today and everyday!


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