Good Friday
Today is a most holy day in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.
What happened to the Savior is beyond comprehension; that One who healed the sick and the blind, cast out demons to enable children to live normal lives after years of torment, set captives free from their "dead end" lives of sin and degradation...
That this One could be so hated and maligned by those whom He came to save.... is hard to fathom.
And yet..... it is Truth.
Just as the prophets of God foretold from ancient biblical times, so it was done.
I hope you will take time to ponder the "good" of Good Friday today, and throughout this weekend.
Think deeply about what it all means for YOU and for your family.
There is nothing on this earth that is more important than a real relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you have not yet asked Him to forgive you of your sins and set you free from whatever might hold you back, please do it today!
It only takes a simple prayer from you, talking directly to God.
"Father, I realize that I am a sinner....
I can't be clean enough or good enough on my own to enter your Kingdom.
Please forgive me for all the wrong things I have done in my life.
Help me to learn to truly love You
Thank you for sending your One and OnlySon Jesus Christ to take my place on that cross....
I want to live for you from now on, Jesus.
I belong to you! Amen"
If you prayed that prayer earnestly from your heart, the Lord has heard you and has saved you and set you free!
You are a child of God! Sealed in Him forever!
Bless you today and always/
Today is a most holy day in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.
What happened to the Savior is beyond comprehension; that One who healed the sick and the blind, cast out demons to enable children to live normal lives after years of torment, set captives free from their "dead end" lives of sin and degradation...
That this One could be so hated and maligned by those whom He came to save.... is hard to fathom.
And yet..... it is Truth.
Just as the prophets of God foretold from ancient biblical times, so it was done.
I hope you will take time to ponder the "good" of Good Friday today, and throughout this weekend.
Think deeply about what it all means for YOU and for your family.
There is nothing on this earth that is more important than a real relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you have not yet asked Him to forgive you of your sins and set you free from whatever might hold you back, please do it today!
It only takes a simple prayer from you, talking directly to God.
"Father, I realize that I am a sinner....
I can't be clean enough or good enough on my own to enter your Kingdom.
Please forgive me for all the wrong things I have done in my life.
Help me to learn to truly love You
Thank you for sending your One and OnlySon Jesus Christ to take my place on that cross....
I want to live for you from now on, Jesus.
I belong to you! Amen"
If you prayed that prayer earnestly from your heart, the Lord has heard you and has saved you and set you free!
You are a child of God! Sealed in Him forever!
Bless you today and always/
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