Saturday, February 9, 2013

February 9

today's reading: Matthew 26: 26-67


Our cast of characters becomes more clearly defined today.
Judas,the disciple who betrayed Jesus.....
The Apostle Peter...
Caiaphas,the Jewish High Priest.....
The Sanhedrin.........
And our main player in this scene......our precious Lord Jesus Christ.

Judas, driven first by irritation that Jesus was not going to storm the countryside, ridding it of the pesky Romans, would sell Jesus out .........

The Apostle Peter, driven by love for Jesus but not being able to truly grasp His mission, was then moved to fear to deny that he had any association with his master....

Caiaphas was driven by his own lust for power and position to want to get rid of this man who seemed to turn up everywhere healing people, saving people, teaching and preaching love and forgiveness; a thorn in the side of the religious leaders.......

The Sanhedrin.....this bastion of religiosity......lining up to blast away at Jesus...driven by their pride to drum up charges of blasphemy against the Son of God....

And Jesus Christ.

What was His driving force?
In prayer, vs 42, He submits to Father God....... ever obedient....  submitting even His earthly desire to escape what only He could perceive the Father.

In His betrayal and arrest, vs 54 and 56, He lays down that the Scriptures would be that the prophets would be proved right.....

Our Lord Jesus Christ was driven by obedience to the Father.
Not just obedient to live the right kind of life....
but obedient to suffer the most excruciating death experience separation from his experience the full weight of the sin of all of humanity for ALL TIME. for us.
We cant begin to comprehend.......
And I don't think He asks us to.........
But He does ask us to trust believe Him...
and to be
to live a Christ-like life.....


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