Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11

today's reading: Matthew 27:11-31

Pontius Pilate

Today we are introduced to yet another key character in the historical account of the death of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Just who was Pontius Pilate? He was a Roman governor sent to rule over Judea.
He was a prominent figure of Roman rule, which was resented deeply by the Jewish population. He had been in power when Jesus began His ministry, so had no doubt been hearing the amazing stories that revealed Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

Scripture indicates that he was brutal and sacrilegious, but wished to avoid the problem of "Jesus" and squirmed , trying over and over again,  to find a way to release the Lord, rather than sentence Him to death.

Even Pilate's wife played a role, as she warned him to have nothing to do with "that innocent man", saying she had suffered greatly from dreams she had concerning Him.

Reading through today's events, we can see the power of the enemy to take over a situation where people are not seeking the Lord's guidance.

The "mob mentality" is played out to it's miserable end as the Jewish leaders exerted their influence over the crowd to demand the crucifixion of Jesus by the governor.  

Pilate must have seen the folly of it, as he washed his hands of the matter, literally. He looked for every excuse to set the Lord Jesus free, but that crowd would have none of it.

They wanted blood, and in the end, Pilate gave in.

We are called into the picture again as we witness, through the reading of the Word, the beating, humiliation, mocking, the degradation, the heartless and relentless injury.

How do we take it in?
How will you respond?
Do not give in to complacency.
Do not give in to fear.
Do not give in to any emotion
that would ever tear you away from the Savior
 who will never forsake you... not even as He suffers to pay for your sin.... 


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