Saturday, January 5, 2013


"Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them..."Matthew 5:1

Jesus still wants to teach us today! Do we have a mountain of our own that seems to hard to climb? Do we have people in our lives that are hard to understand? Are we going through a time of financial or spiritual poverty? The scripture in today's reading will help you to see the plan of God for you in these situations. Go now to that mountainside where he is waiting to teach you something new today! Delight in his presence~ 

today's reading: Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 through 26

vs. 3-10 Help me Lord, to see the poor.
               Help me to see those who are grieving.
               Help me to see the meek and those with hungry hearts.
               Help me to really SEE the way you see people who are in need.
I desire to be salt and light. Help me to refuse every opportunity to go down the path of foolish anger, but to be the first to make amends.

Sometimes it seems really hard to do things God's way because in today's world the message is all about staying ahead of everyone else in every way. 
We have to put the will of God first in our lives and DETERMINE to do things HIS way. If we will just let HIM, God will show us that He will help us through every situation and will bless our lives because we have let go of our own will and taken hold of HIS will! 
When we do things HIS way, our own faith and trust in the Lord will grow beyond what we thought possible~


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