Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25

today's reading: Matthew 16:13 thru 17:9

Don't Be Afraid
How many times do we read in the scriptures the phrase, "don't be afraid"?
That phrase always is spoken during an event that would certainly cause my heart to skip a beat or two! 

Just think of the shepherds working the night shift, watching over the flock of sheep.  
There was no electricity back then, no laser light shows had been produced, no rockets had been fired into technology at all, let alone something that would have prepared them to see a heavenly host popping into the sky...
"Don't be afraid" 

 There was no shortage of "amazing" in today's scripture either. Can you imagine the scene that took place in the presence of those three disciples? There were special effects that would win a major movie award! The appearance of Moses and Elijah would be enough to flatten most of us. After all, even back in Jesus day, they had been dead for a very long time. Then the cloud and the voice of God speaking to them! 
And again.... "Don't be afraid." 

So my friends, Jesus tells us over and over again to not be afraid. There must be nothing to fear! Because I believe Him! 

It has been revealed to you that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God! 
He is coming to us again sometime, and will reward each one according to what he or she has done with that revelation.

Think carefully about how KNOWING Jesus has impacted your life. What have you done since you believed Him? 
What will you do now? How will you serve Him and live for Him? 

Let Him lead you to what is right........and remember, wherever He leads you........Don't be afraid!     




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