Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18
today's reading: Matthew 12: 22-45

The Unforgivable.........

What does it mean to "blaspheme" against the Holy Spirit?
Please look up these additional scriptures to help you define this very IMPORTANT and ESSENTIAL part of God, and what it means to  continually and deliberately reject this essential part of God. 

  1. Grieving the Holy Spirit ~ Ephesians 4:30
  2. Resisting the Holy Spirit leads to putting out your spiritual fire ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20
  3. Hardening of your heart ~ Hebrews 3:  8-13
  4. Rejecting the Holy Spirit results in a depraved mind (considering good to be evil and evil to be good) ~ Romans 1:28
So what does all of this mean for you? 
If you have ever resisted the Holy Spirit or sinned against God, you are not automatically cast away from Him. 

As long as you want to be forgiven by God- and you are willing to repent-to turn away from your sin-  
                     you are not unforgivable!

Absolutely the opposite! 
The Lord loves you and wants to forgive every sin. 
He wants to banish your sin, as far away from you and from His memory, as the east is from the west!   

                               Stay faithful, dear ones, stay faithful. 

Remember to read God's Word and to pray every day!                 

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